Our Services

The Trust Group Financial Services is a full-service estate and retirement planning firm. We specialize in helping pre-retirees and retirees reach the retirement goals they’ve always dreamed of. Throughout our four-step process, we collaborate to find the strategies that fit your specific needs.
We know you’re not exactly like your next-door neighbor or your best friend, which means your goals and aspirations are unique. That’s why we’re here, to help navigate you through all your options and guide you in the right direction.

A Last Will and Testament may not be the only document you need when it comes to managing your estate.
Estate Planning is the foundation for your overall financial plan. It controls how your assets are titled and what happens not only while you're alive, but also when you pass.
Approximately half of the U.S. population does not have an estate plan, and the other half that does is likely missing a key component. Often times we find errors, fragmented planning or no plans at all. Those very reasons are why we have a special court system in our country and thousands of attorneys who specialize in figuring out what you wanted, but the question is, at what cost?
Fortunately there are strategies to mitigate -and often eliminate- these pitfalls. However, the plan must be in place prior to the event or crisis.
At The Trust Group Financial Services we have relationships with the top attorneys in the Tampa Bay area, and by joining our services, we put together a comprehensive plan that fulfills a number of objectives. The plan's goals include avoiding the cost, delay and publicity of the probate court system. To facilitate administration of your assets in the event you become incapacitated. To mitigate or eliminate Federal Estate Taxes (The Death Tax). And finally, to ensure the plan is incorporated into your overall financial plan to provide you and your family with care, comfort, maintenance, support and a lasting legacy.
To learn more about estate planning for your unique situation, start the process now.

As a full-service, independent financial planning firm, The Trust Group Financial Services offers an array of strategies for addressing many financial concerns while setting expectations and achieving goals. Our experience has allowed us to become an authority in retirement planning for the Tampa Bay community.
Being independent gives us distinct advantages, we’re not tied to a particular financial company or product line, so we truly work in the best interests of our clients and are committed to sharing our expertise on how to maximize their retirement and mitigate risk.
Whether it’s creating an income stream you can’t outlive, maximizing the value of your assets to protect your family or preserving a legacy for your beneficiaries, clients confidently rely on us to get them where they need to be.

Do you have a Retirement Sherpa? Making it to the top of your retirement mountain comes with its own set of challenges. Yet, equally as challenging is making it down the retirement mountain.

Do you have people who rely on your income? It comes down to self worth and whether or not you think you and your family are worth protecting. Take a Life Insurance DNA test, detailed needs analysis.
The Trust Group Financial Services is a registered insurance agency with The Florida Department of Financial Services since 1985.
Insurance always has, and will continue, to be the rock-solid institutions in America that provide invaluable answers to life's many challenges. Whether it's providing long-term care insurance when assisted living costs can be financially devastating, to providing substantial money to protect families from an untimely death or terminal illness, or simply to maximize the legacy our clients want to leave to their children and grandchildren, insurance provides them with what they need to protect our clients and achieve their goals.
At the Trust Group Financial we have access to all of these products and more importantly, we know which companies to choose and who offers the most value for our clients' needs.

As baby boomers transition from the accumulation phase to the distribution phase of their life, they are looking for ways to continue to maintain their current lifestyle with income throughout retirement. Unfortunately for many, the income they receive from Social Security and pensions alone are not enough. In addition, many retirees take Social Security at the wrong time.
Likely one of the main reasons for this is a lack of education with regards to their filing options. Social Security benefits seem simple from the outside but inside are a number of different options that could directly affect you and your family for life.
How do you know which option will be best for you? A key to Social Security is asking yourself what you know about yourself the government doesn’t. Social Security was designed based on actuarial tables taking into account millions of workers claiming Social Security. The Trust Group Financial Services provides you with guidance so you can choose the optimal filing strategy with YOUR unique life in mind.
Start the process today and learn how to maximize the benefits you are entitled to.

Five facts about Social Security that may surprise you and one major decision that will impact your retirement the rest of your life.

Are you needlessly paying more taxes than you should? Have you explored all your options when it comes to managing your taxable income?
How does one know they’re being as efficient as possible when it comes to taxes? There are so many exemptions and deductions available, it’s hard to keep track of which ones are appropriate for the retirement strategy you’re implementing.
There are also little-known strategies that can provide potential savings and a positive financial impact on your estate and retirement plan. That’s where The Trust Group Financial Services comes in.
We understand the importance of making sure you take advantage of deductions and exemptions available, as well as understand the commonly overlooked tax-reduction and tax-elimination strategies. Think IRAs, rollovers, required minimum distributions (RMDs), federal estate taxes (The Death Tax) and tax-free benefits. Whatever advantage we find that works, we’ll ensure it’s integrated into your retirement plan.
Start the conversation and let's make your plan more efficient.

First, we have an initial meeting to learn about each other and establish our relationship. We determine your objectives to truly understand your unique situation.
From there, we take a look at your complete situation including your income, expenses, assets, tax liabilities, and social security and begin conceptualizing an effective strategy to maximize your retirement, reduce your tax burden and meet your goals, collaborating every step of the way.
We then execute your plan so you can move forward into retirement with confidence and sleep well at night knowing your estate and retirement plan is in place.
Finally, our work is never done. We are committed to providing the highest level of service and support to build on our relationship. Our number-one priority is to create an experience that establishes a relationship that lasts a lifetime.

Our four step process is a proven strategy and allowed us to achieve countless retirement goals for our clients. See for yourself.
Did you leave something behind at your last employer? Something that could impact your retirement and your financial future… Did you leave your 401(k) plan behind? If so, you’re not alone. Leaving a job can be hectic and it’s easy to forget about your retirement plan. But, the good news is that it’s never too late.

Download our complimentary guide today!