Do You Have Enough in Reserve for 2018?
Build your emergency fund this year. How much does the average American household have in the bank? Estimates vary, but the short answer...

Congress Passed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act
What will the near-term impact be and how will it affect you? On December 20, Congress passed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, sending the final...

Considering a Roth IRA Conversion? Here's the Pros and Cons
What are the potential benefits? What are the drawbacks? If you own a traditional IRA, perhaps you have thought about converting it to a...

Getting Married? Here are Some Good Financial Steps to Take
If you’re going to say “I do,” here are some things you might want to do. Are you marrying soon? Have you recently married? As you begin...

The Cross Purchase Business Buy Sell Agreement
Do you have a plan for sustaining the business you worked hard to build after your death? Business owners are builders. They spend their...

How to Boost your Retirement Savings: Monthly Budgeting
Employing a budget into your personal finances may be the biggest step toward your goals. To download the Free Monthly Retirement Budget...

Social Security: Myths vs. Facts
Dispelling some misconceptions about the program. Some myths & misconceptions keep circulating about Social Security. These are worth...

Retirement Planning for Single Parents
It is a challenge – and it must be met. How does a single parent plan for retirement? Diligently. Regularly. Rigorously. Here are some...

Having the Money Talk with Your Children
How much financial knowledge do they have? Some young adults manage to acquire a fair amount of financial literacy. In the classroom or...

'Fool'ish Financial Advice: "Don't Pay Off Your Mortgage Because..."
Aside from fake news published every day across the internet, it should come as no surprise there's also very bad financial advice being...