Is Your Family Covered with Life Insurance?
Too many Americans have no life insurance. Their loved ones may pay dearly for that choice. September is National Life Insurance...

Medicare Enrollment: Your Options for 2017 and 2018
Key Medicare enrollment periods are approaching. This fall and winter, there are three periods in which Medicare beneficiaries can either...

One of the Best Letters You Will Ever Write: Your Retirement Resignation
Are you ready to retire from your job? Even if you're not there yet, download our sample retirement resignation letter to use in the...

Fixed and Indexed Annuities: Fact or Fiction Quiz
Fixed and Fixed Indexed Annuities may be the most misunderstood retirement vehicle of all time. But are they really that complicated?...

The Cross Purchase Business Buy Sell Agreement
Do you have a plan for sustaining the business you worked hard to build after your death? Business owners are builders. They spend their...